Solar Park Investments @ Sun India Pacific

Government policies and target

India currently suffers from a major shortage of electricity generation capacity, even though it is the world’s fourth largest energy consumer after United States, China and Russia. Around 562% of India’s installed electricity capacity is met by coal fired plants. Solar power being renewable and cleanest source of energy, it holds the key for sustainable economic development. For “Make in India” campaign to be successful, we have to look beyond conventional sources of energy.

Here are some key government policies and target:

  • To install 100 GW by 2022
  • Power to all citizens by 2019
  • RBI guidelines to add renewable sector as priority sector in banks.
  • Setting up dedicated transmission corridors.
  • Low cost financing support from bilateral and multilateral agencies.
  • Proposed Amendments in Electricity Act including open access reforms and enhancement of RPOs(Renewable Purchase Obligation).

There are lots of factors which make the solar the most favourable of all renewable sources.

  • High Solar insolation in India
  • Solar energy is easily accessible and available in abundance
  • Solar energy is free of cost
  • Pollution free
  • Most environmental friendly renewable source of power
  • Plummeting price of solar panels

Services Offered

Experienced Solar Park Consultants – India

When it comes solar park consultants in India, Sun India Pacific offers the expertise as well as tools required to provide the best possible solution to clients across categories. We have worked on various projects of solar park in India. Right from conceptualisation to installation, Sun India Pacific Solar offer an extensive bouquet of services that helps industrial units adapt to the solar way of manufacturing.

Needless to say, solar panel installation brings with it, the advantages of the process becoming cost effective, eco friendly and more efficient. Additionally, Solar panels reduce the reliance on electricity and power coming from non-renewable sources of energy.

Here is a look at the various services that Sun India Pacific Solar is able to offer:

  • Approvals and Liasoning
  • Approvals and Liasoning forms mostly initial phase of development of plant that includes-
  • Project registration at MNRE (Ministry of Non Renewable Energy) nodal agency
  • LTOA (Long Term Open Agreement) related works
  • Plant commissioning certificate
  • PPA (power purchase agreement) with private/government
  • Land related paper work
  • REC (Renewable Energy Certificate) related SLDC Registration,
  • Accreditation Certificate
  • NLDC Registration

Plant Design and Engineering

Every project comes with its own difficulties- soil, weather, wind, radiance, and topography. All these factors need to be taken in account while designing its layout. Appropriate plant design and PV parameters are one of the key components to generate maximum output and thus maximum project value.

  • Selection of modules (based on capacity and efficiency).
  • Markings based on topographical sheet.
  • Panels are mounted as per the markings with minimum disturbance to the environment.

Construction and Procurement Management

  • Robust and agile supply chain(Tier 1 vendors) with global network for timely delivery of system equipment’s.
  • Inventory Management
  • Quality and Inspection control
  • Mounting Solutions
  • Alignment of non module components with module component to generate better yieldIntegrated planning, scheduling and execution system
  • Final commissioning

Post Commissioning Management (O&M)

  • Regular Cleaning- dust removal of panels and inverters
  • Inspection of site
  • Removal and replacement of faulty equipments
  • Remote Monitoring of plant With SCADA implementation

We can monitor functioning of our solar plant from anywhere. This enables us to:

  • Knows real time data from anywhere anytime
  • Detailed analysis to understand if power generated is as expected/designed
  • Know issues on-field with equipments and manage with effective O&M
  • Predict the power generation with certainty

Investment Models

PPA (Power Purchase Agreement)
Revenue earned through sale of electricity to private party or government.

REC (Renewable Energy Certificate)
These are certificates which a solar power plant developer acquires from the government on generation of solar power from the solar power plant. These certificates are traded on the power exchanges in a price band of Rs.9.30 per unit – Rs.13.40 per unit.
CER (Certified Emission Rates)
Emission reduction projects can earn saleable certified emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tons of CO2, which can be counted towards meeting Kyoto target.

Escalated Land Value
Huge chunk of Land is acquired for solar generation. The value of land will definitely be escalated after 25 years(minimum period of project life).

Tax Holiday for 10 Years
No income tax is payable on revenue earned from solar for 10 years.

80% Accelerated Tax Depreciation
This will help in huge tax benefit on your existing business revenue. You can claim for 80% depreciation in 1st year and 16% in second year and so on for further years.

How investment in solar is a safe bet?

  • Yearly Returns (your money will not be locked-in as in the case of Land and Fixed Deposit)
  • Safe returns for 25 years ( your returns are not subject to market risks as in the case of Mutual Funds and Shares)
  • Minimum 20% safe returns (Unlike shares, mutual funds, it pays off better)
  • Six months Gestation Period (Unlike other projects, it starts paying quickly)
  • Asset Generation (A lifetime asset which will grow as you grow)

Solar Investment Models

In large scale solar power plants

Government Backed PPA

  • Fixed PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) signed with state
  • DISCOM’s (Power Distribution Companies) for 25 years
  • Upto 21 times investment returns in 25 years
  • Escalated land value benefit
  • Assured yearly returns
  • Safe & Secure Returns Model

Big Investment Private Party PPA

  • Minimum system size of 500 KW to be owned
  • PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) with private party
  • Land + REC(Renewable Energy Certificates) benefit to company
  • 22 to 24% approximate yearly returns
  • 80% accelerated tax depreciation
  • Tax holiday for 10 years on solar revenue
  • Escalating tariff based on electricity board tariff revisions
  • Value for Money Model

Fixed Tariff Model

  • Fixed PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) with Sun India Pacific Solar for 25 years
  • Escalated Land Value Benefit
  • 80% accelerated tax depreciation
  • Tax holiday for 10 years on solar revenue
  • REC(Renewable Energy Certificates) Benefits will be transferred to Sun India Pacific
  • Assured Returns Model

Small Investment private Party PPA

  • Multiple system size of 25 KW onwards
  • PPA(Power Purchase Agreement) with private party
  • 18 to 20 % yearly returns
  • Land +REC (Renewable Energy Certificates)benefits
  • 80% Tax Depreciation
  • Escalating tariff based on electricity board tariff revision
  • Small Investment Size Model